PropGOLuxury’s Special NYC Luxury Property Report
We sourced data from millions of visitors seeking New York City luxury properties from around the world and found that Hong Kong ranked as the top international city seeking NYC luxury properties edging out London for the top spot.
Furthermore, 8 of the top 10 Global Cities interested in buying NYC Luxury properties originate in China and Asia Pacific (APAC) regions.
This buying data matches the statistics as Chinese/Asia Pacific buyers including Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong assumed the No. 1 foreign buyer segment purchasing US residential properties.
PropGOLuxury’s data report also sourced NYC luxury property consumers luxury property searching habits and found London to be the top destination for NYC luxury property buyers looking abroad.
The results are not surprising as NYC luxury property buyers have targeted the following domestic and international cities as their top luxury home search destinations:
1. London, UK
2. Paris, FR
3. Beijing, CN
Please note the report’s data only includes data sourced in the Calendar Year 2015 (Jan 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015)
For more information or media related question on this report, please contact Lawrence Lo at
To request additional information on NYC luxury property buyers interests including YTD 2016 data; or to request that a special data driven report be created for your particular area or specifications:
Please contact George Varvitsiotis at for more information on our data service offerings.